Getting my Fizz back!

Had lunch with friends last week and we were all complaining about losing our spark. Don't know whether it is the economy, the heat or all of us being over 50. I described it as the difference between a flat soda and a fizzy one. My husband agreed we were in a rut and we decided to pack a bag and head out Saturday morning for a overnight trip west. We had no plan, no destination and no where we had to be.

We got onto to Hwy 64 and headed west. Stopped for Lunch in Statesville and decided to go to Blowing Rock via 321. He was actually game for any yarn stores in the vicinity. Discovered Chix w/Stixs in Lenoir and Unwound in Blowing Rock. Both cozy places with nice owners and a good selection of yarns. We saw a gorgeous wedding in progress at Chetola resort and discovered Glidewells's a terrific restaurant with live music and great food and service.

All in all a wonderful weekend trip and a return to fizziness (spell check wants me to change that to dizziness or fuzziness and although I have experienced those,I prefer fizziness.)

Have completed Liesel and have moved onto the 3rd beginners lace kal Springtime Bandit. More on Bandit and my purchases later. I am off to conquer the provisional cast on!


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