Equipped to Knit
About five years ago I purchased an "Emergency Sock Kit" from Cassiana on Etsy. I loved it and always had it with me to ensure I was like McGyver - prepared for every contingency. Unfortunately the Beeagle struck again. There are no more to be had on Etsy so I made my own. Three to be more precise. One for home, my office and my purse. I am so well prepared it is scary. Now if I can stop playing with the sewing and get knitting... They are stocked with scissors, ruler, crochet hook, sock needles, markers, cable needles, floss and a Chibi with darning needles.
Michiele, this is perfect!! Bryan has been putting together "Go Boxes" for us in case we need to go underground after a nuclear war, or some such craziness. I will immediately tell him that I need one of these in my go-box!!