Lost and Found

My mojo that is, for blogging, for knitting and just about everything else.  Let's blame it on the heat.  We went to Miami for four days last week  for Reed to check out a job.  Wow, South Florida has changed in the thirty years we have been gone.  We discovered it is far too urban an environment to suit us. 

It really clarified for me how much I love being close to my kids, my home, my job, my friends and North Carolina.  I knit the Citron during our travels and got my mojo back!  Apparently, I am simple minded enough that the color transitions spur me to keep knitting!

Also started Wingspan in an effort to maintain my momentum.

Although I found Miami to be too loud, too garish and too crowded for my taste, I did enjoy a trip to The Knitting Garden in Coral Gables.  It is a lovely shop and the time there was the highlight of my stay in Miami.


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