
We are at last settled in Statesville.  New house, new routines and alot to get accustomed to.  Working from home is great about 75% of the time.  A little bit isolating but I do not miss my 1 and 1/2 hour daily commute.  Reed loves his new job and is so glad to be back in a hospital again rather than behind the corporate desk all day.

I have joined the Piedmont Fiber Guild and look forward to getting to know those folks better.  Have been knitting, spinning and weaving.  Hope to whip up a batch of soap in  the next few days.  I have some Saffron threads I want to experiment with.




The Christmas gifts have been purchased and wrapped.  I did not craft any gifts this year, too much going on.  In the first picture of the basket  is one of two recently completed baby sweater and bootie sets for co-workers who are expecting their first grand children.

The other pictures are two different views of my new loom room.  As I said ...settling in!


  1. Loom room looks nice and light! Glad you're starting to feel settled.


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