Friends and Fiber
This has been a terrific weekend, I feel so fortunate to have good friends who share my passion for all things fiber. Roxie and Susan and I traveled to western North Carolina for the Friends and Fiberworks Summer Retreat.
Kristen works on a beautiful felted art piece.
The lesson learned from Kristen is less is more. She explained she was tempted to add another bird and more leaves but decided against it. It is stunningly simple and elegant.
Nancie McCraw of Bad Faerie and friend spinning on their e-spinners.
The lesson I learned from Nancie is passion and enthusiasm are contagious. Everyone Nancie comes into contact with is another opportunity to share the love, she is a spinning "pusher".
These spinning wheels were hand painted by Nancie's mom.
The lesson learned is the joy of beautiful tools.
Vicki, Lisa and Susan discuss a silk scarf and what color to add next. It was so interesting to watch them brainstorm ideas. To me the scarf was lovely as it was and I could not imagine it better. Within seconds Vicki folded the scarf and Susan twisted it up and they over dyed the whole thing in black. I thought this would ruin it for sure but I was so wrong.
The lesson learned from Vicki is to be bold, spontaneous and fearless and let art happen!
Good friends will join you in eating ice cream for dinner.
Lesson learned, breaking your rules and salted caramel ice cream are very good things!
Roxie drawing Susan's foot for the Fish Lips Kiss heel.
Really good friends will jump on the crazy train with you when asked.
Susan's hand dyed roving.
It wasn't all ice cream and yarn shop hops, we did some real Fiber work as well.
Susan's beautiful batts. Drum carding took the compacted fiber and fluffed it right up.
Lesson learned, absolutely everything can be rescued and made lovely with effort.
The major life lesson from this weekend is the joy of good friends and shared passions.
Kristen works on a beautiful felted art piece.
The lesson learned from Kristen is less is more. She explained she was tempted to add another bird and more leaves but decided against it. It is stunningly simple and elegant.
Nancie McCraw of Bad Faerie and friend spinning on their e-spinners.
The lesson I learned from Nancie is passion and enthusiasm are contagious. Everyone Nancie comes into contact with is another opportunity to share the love, she is a spinning "pusher".
These spinning wheels were hand painted by Nancie's mom.
The lesson learned is the joy of beautiful tools.
Vicki, Lisa and Susan discuss a silk scarf and what color to add next. It was so interesting to watch them brainstorm ideas. To me the scarf was lovely as it was and I could not imagine it better. Within seconds Vicki folded the scarf and Susan twisted it up and they over dyed the whole thing in black. I thought this would ruin it for sure but I was so wrong.
The lesson learned from Vicki is to be bold, spontaneous and fearless and let art happen!
Good friends will join you in eating ice cream for dinner.
Lesson learned, breaking your rules and salted caramel ice cream are very good things!
Roxie drawing Susan's foot for the Fish Lips Kiss heel.
Really good friends will jump on the crazy train with you when asked.
Susan's hand dyed roving.
It wasn't all ice cream and yarn shop hops, we did some real Fiber work as well.
Susan's beautiful batts. Drum carding took the compacted fiber and fluffed it right up.
Lesson learned, absolutely everything can be rescued and made lovely with effort.
The major life lesson from this weekend is the joy of good friends and shared passions.
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