Old Crow
It is still 90 degrees here in North Carolina but the beginning of September means I can at least think about fall. My favorite season by far.
It is destined for Victory Junction. I did free motion quilting in the alternating rows.
As part of my ongoing effort to finish all current projects I did some stitching on the old crow. I want to stitch some pumpkins for fall but need to finish what I have started.
I am trying to be mindful about my crafting and would love to have no UFOs by the end of this year. Is that doable I wonder? Already it has changed my thought process when I approach starting something new. I need to consider my commitment to a project when the first "oh shiny" hits.
Case in point is this cross stitch crow. This has become a bit of a slog, with the unstitching and fudging. I seem to have forgotten how to count!
I wanted different shades of orange for some wool applique pumpkins. So, I pulled some organic shades dyes and scraps of wool.
I forgot how much I love dyeing fabric and yarn. For small amounts I use ball jars in a pot of boiling water. Minimal fuss and mess!
I used orange dye and added a touch of red to one jar and yellow and black to the others. Easy peasy.
So happy with my results. There is a lot of serendipity in dyeing and especially for me as I do not do formulas or recipes. A tad and a touch and see what results is more my speed.
Pressed and ready for stitching. Happy stitching friends. I am going to continue to work on meandering my way through this quilt.
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